The Perennial Bud SaxbergThe Perennial Bud Saxberg A force in the Foster School’s faculty for 50 years, Bud Saxberg is still going strong
Golden Age EntrepreneurGolden Age Entrepreneur Leonard Lavin, the founder Foster’s Lavin Entrepreneurship Program, built an empire around innovative personal care products
Sax SymbolSax Symbol Foster accounting degree proves instrumental to the global success of renowned jazz artist Kenny G
PNW on a PlatePNW on a Plate Budd Gould, founder of Anthony's Restaurants, delivers the edible essence of the Pacific Northwest—with a waterfront view
The Oracle of BrandingThe Oracle of Branding Gary Shansby has built a vast portfolio of blockbuster consumer brands that stand the test of time
A World to ExploreA World to Explore Rick Steves promotes greater perspective through mindful international travel
Global InnovatorGlobal Innovator Yoshihiko Miyauchi led Orix to the top of Japan's economy—and Ichiro to the Seattle Mariners