Frank Discussions

Dean Hodge’s interview series catches up with corporate leaders in a pandemic

As Einstein said, there’s opportunity in every crisis.

And, in this age of COVID-19, Foster School Dean Frank Hodge has taken advantage of the accelerated adoption of video conferencing technology to launch the “Frank Discussions” interview series with corporate leaders.

“It goes back to the research that we disseminate at the Foster School,” says Hodge, the Orin and Janet Smith Endowed Dean. “We thought, everyone is dealing with this crisis, and no one’s an expert. So, let’s talk to some leaders on the front lines who are dealing with this in major companies, and pass along their insights.”

Frank Discussions with Kevin Johnson

The brief, conversational interviews look beyond the business decisions making headlines to shed light on how and why great leaders do what they do.

So far, Dean Hodge’s guests in the series include:

If you would prefer to listen to audio of the series, subscribe to Frank Discussions on Apple Podcasts.

Avatar photo Ed Kromer Managing Editor Foster School

Ed Kromer is the managing editor of Foster Business magazine. Over the past two decades, he has served as the school’s senior storyteller, writing about a wide array of people, programs, insights and innovations that power the Foster School community.