Dean Frank Hodge and Simha Mummalaneni
Foster Honor Roll 2023
A roster of Foster faculty who have been recognized for outstanding achievements in the past year
Dean Frank Hodge and Simha Mummalaneni
Faculty of the UW Foster School of Business have earned numerous awards, accolades and appointments for excellence in research, teaching and leadership in 2023. Here are some highlights:
Bruce Avolio
Professor of Management
Mark Pigott Chair in Business Strategic Leadership
Executive Director, Center for Leadership and Strategic Thinking
Listed in the top 0.02% of academic influencers who have published research in all scientific disciplines over the past 60 years, pacing a contingent of 18 Foster faculty named in the top percentile of a new Stanford University index of scholarly citations. Avolio also ranked #38 most influential among 48,100 management scholars listed.
Christopher Barnes
Michael G. Foster Endowed Professor of Management
Elected a Fellow of the Society for Organizational Behavior, one of only 25 scholars to have earned this distinction in the past decade.
Philip Bond
Professor of Finance
Edward E. Carlson Distinguished Professor in Business Administration
Elected to the board of directors of the Financial Intermediation Research Society.
Mark Forehand
Professor of Marketing
Pigott Family Professor in Business Administration
Chair, Department of Marketing and International Business
Received the Benedict Steenkamp Award for Long Term Impact from the European Marketing Academy for his International Journal of Research in Marketing paper, “Identity-Based Consumer Behavior.”
Weili Ge
Professor of Accounting
Moss Adams Endowed Professor
Began appointment as editor of Contemporary Accounting Research, one of the most influential journals in the discipline of accounting.
Stephanie Grant
Associate Professor of Accounting
Deloitte & Touche Endowed Professor in Accounting
Served as an academic fellow in the Office of the Chief Accountant at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and was named editor of Accounting Horizons (her term begins in June 2024).
Andrew Hafenbrack
Associate Professor of Management and Organization
Evert McCabe Endowed Faculty Fellow
Named a Fulbright Scholar, with plans to return to Portugal, where he began his career at the Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics, and study the ways that the proliferation of vacation rentals through platforms like Vrbo and Airbnb have changed the culture of Lisbon.
Jarrad Harford
Professor of Finance
Paul Pigott-PACCAR Professor in Business Administration
Chair, Department of Finance and Business Economics
Elected vice-president of program in the Financial Management Association. Also received Best Paper award from the Eastern Finance Association for his study “Does VC commitment lead to improved investment outcomes?”
Chris Hrdlicka
Associate Professor of Finance and Business Economics
Carol Batchelder Endowed Finance Faculty Fellow
Named one of the “Favorite MBA Professors of the Class of 2023” by Poets & Quants in recognition of his efforts to keep his classes rigorous but still engaging and accessible, and for applying class concepts in analysis of the day’s financial news.
Jonathan Karpoff
Professor of Finance and Business Economics
Washington Mutual Endowed Chair in Innovation
Appointed to the council of the Society for Financial Studies and the ethics committee of the Financial Management Association International. In extracurricular activities, Karpoff also became just the 86th person to climb the “Bulger 100” highest peaks in Washington state.
Charles M. C. Lee
Professor of Accounting
Kermit O. Hanson Professor in Accounting
Served as keynote speaker at the 2023 Hawaii Accounting Research Conference.
Dawn Matsumoto
Professor of Accounting
Marion B. Ingersoll Professor
Began appointment as editor of The Accounting Review, a top-tier journal in the discipline of Accounting.
Simha Mummalanen
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Received the PACCAR Award for Excellence in Teaching, Foster’s highest teaching honor.
Leela Nageswaran
Assistant Professor of Operations Management
Named one of the “Top 50 Undergraduate Professors of 2022” by Poets & Quants for producing an extraordinary set of preparatory materials for her Operations Management classes to contextualize concepts, then delivering them authentically and in a spirit of inclusion.
Emily Cox Pahnke
Associate Professor of Management and Organization
Lawrence P. Hughes Endowed Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Won the Best Entrepreneurship Research Award from the Karl Schlecht Foundation/G-Forum for her research on venture alliances in the medical device industry.
Robert Palmatier
Professor of Marketing
John C. Narver Endowed Professor in Business Administration
Research Director, Center for Sales and Marketing Strategy
Won the Louis W. Stern Award from the American Marketing Association, for the enduring impact of his 2016 Journal of Marketing paper on dynamic relationship marketing, and the Jagdish N. Sheth Award from the Academy of Marketing Sciences, for his Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science paper on online influencer marketing. And he was ranked the #6 most productive marketing scholar of the past decade by the American Marketing Association.
Shawn Shi
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Received the Best Reviewer Award at the 2023 Hawaii Accounting Research Conference.
Masha Shunko
Associate Professor of Operations Management
Served as the “Featured Thought Leader” at the C-Suite Assembly on Transforming the Digital Enterprise, hosted by The Millennium Alliance and Digital Supply Chain Transformation
Stephan Siegel
Michael G. Foster Endowed Professor of Finance and Business Economics
Won the WRDS Award for the year’s best empirical finance paper from the Western Finance Association for his paper “Political Divide and the Composition of Households’ Equity Portfolios,” with Yihui Pan, Elena Pikulina and Tracy Yue Wang. Siegel also began term as managing editor of the Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA).
Yang Song
Associate Professor of Finance
Norman J. Metcalfe Endowed Professor in Finance
Named associate editor of Management Science, the premiere journal in the discipline.
David Tan
Associate Professor of Management
Michael G. Foster Endowed Fellow
Listed among the “Best 40 Under 40 MBA Professors” by Poets & Quants for his dynamic teaching and mentoring of strategy courses, including coaching a PNC Case Competition.
Yong Tan
Michael G. Foster Endowed Professor of Information Systems
Chair, Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
Elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences in recognition of his “outstanding record of scientific and technical achievement” and “willingness to work on behalf of the Academy to bring the best available science to bear on issues within the state of Washington.” Tan also was ranked #1 in the world in the AIS research index of individual scholars, based on publication rate over the past three years in the discipline’s top journals.
Esther Uduehi
Assistant Professor of Marketing and International Business
Named one of the “Top 50 Undergraduate Professors of 2022” by Poets & Quants for her accessible and practical teaching of Marketing Concepts in Foster’s undergrad core curriculum and for co-founding The Tenure Project, a national initiative to support Black, Latiné and Indigenous junior faculty as they work to achieve tenure at business schools.
Francesca Valsesia
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow
Named a 2023 Marketing Science Institute Young Scholar, joining Foster colleagues Oliver Rutz, Hema Yoganarasimhan and Amin Sayedi, all past MSI Young Scholars.
Hema Yoganarasimhan
Professor of Marketing
Michael G. Foster Faculty Fellow
Director, Customer Analytics Center
Received the Marketing Science Service Award for excellence in the associate editor role, from the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science.
Ranked #12 in the world (#11 in the United States) for research productivity in the top 50 scholarly journals representing every business discipline, according to the latest Financial Times research index.
This research excellence is balanced across the board, with each of Foster’s five academic departments ranking in the top 15 of their disciplines for scholarly output.
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
Ranked #4 in the world for research productivity over the past three years in the discipline of information systems by the Association for Information Systems.
Ranked #10 in the nation for research published in the accounting discipline’s top 12 journals over the past six years and #2 for its contributions to the field of financial accounting, according to the BYU Accounting Rankings.
Department of Marketing and International Business
Ranked #10 in the world for research productivity in the top four marketing journals over the past decade, according to an American Marketing Association index. Foster is #6 in the world over for its publication record over the past five years.
Department of Management and Organization
Ranked #12 in the nation for research productivity over the past five years in the discipline’s eight most influential journals, according to an annual index compiled by Texas A&M and the University of Georgia.
Department of Finance and Business Economics
Ranked #14 in the world in the ASU Finance Research Rankings for its 2022 publication record in the discipline’s top-five journals. Foster also was listed #13 in the world for its research productivity over the past decade.